Greetings to our St. Jude Chapel Community,
The last time we sent you an update, it was right before the Holy Week and Easer Season. At that time we provided an overview of the projects that we have completed as part of Project 55+ repairs and modifications. We are including this again with an update. Please reach out to me if you would like a walking tour of the items we’ve done.
This would not be possible without your financial support or without the support of the Catholic Foundation of Dallas who awarded us a grant in the amount of $42,000. This money helped us automate two sets of our doors and modify three rows of our pews for our wheelchair and walker assisted guests. (It’s also convenient for those with baby strollers.)
We will participate again in North Texas Giving Day which will be on September 19th and with #iGiveCatholic as part of Giving Tuesday on December 3rd. (Mark your calendars as we have an unexpected project that came up yesterday.)
A stray bullet entered our chapel on Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. It made a hole in one of our new skylight windows and a hole in our repaired stained-glass window. We’ve filed a police report and are making plans to repair it. You will see this on our North Texas Giving Page and, on our website, soon.
Here are some dates for the remainder of 2024:
On Friday, August 9th, we will close the chapel to the public after the second Mass to have the carpets cleaned. Our gift shop will remain open until 4 p.m. Please make plans now to visit us early in the day as we will close around 12:45 p.m. Thank you!
We celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Thursday, August 15th, a Holy Day of Obligation. In addition to confessions at 11 a.m. and our two Masses at 11:40 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., we will have a 5:30 p.m. Mass with music.
September 2nd the chapel is closed in observance of Labor Day
September 19th North Texas Giving Day
October 4th Feast of St. Francis (please bring your pets in a carrier or on a leash for a blessing after the 2nd mass)
October 14th the chapel is closed in observance of Columbus and Indigenous Peoples DayOctober 28th Feast of St. Jude (and St. Simon)
November 1st All Saints Day (A Holy Day of Obligation) 5:30 p.m. Mass with Music added to the regular schedule
November 11th the chapel is closed in observance of Veterans DayNovember 28th and 29th the chapel is closed in observance of Thanksgiving
December 1st through 4th is the Diocese of Dallas Synod
December 3rd Giving Tuesday and #igivecatholic
December 9th Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary this is not a Holy Day of Obligation
December 24th Christmas Eve Masses at 4 and 6 p.m. (carols start 20 to 30 minutes before each Mass)
December 25th Christmas Mass at 9:30 a.m.
December 26, 2024 through January 2, 2025 the chapel is closed for holiday break
January 1, 2025 New Year’s Mass at 9:30 a.m.
Update on Project 55+ repairs and enhancement initiative:
To date, we have raised $114,659.84 which includes a grant from The Catholic Foundation in the amount of $42,000, $5,450 from North Texas Giving Day and $1,710 from #iGiveCatholic.
Thank you for making all this possible. It is because of your commitment and dedication that we are able to address the chapel’s physical needs.
We remain in service to you and the St. Jude family!
Thank you!
Augustine “Tino” Jalomo
General Manager
214.718.2384 m
214.742.2508 w